Russell currently have 10 employees undertaking Apprenticeships in our Engineering and Warehousing Business Units.
The Group’s apprentices have taken on a variety of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs). From business and administration, driving, warehouse operations and even mechanical engineering, these courses can take between 6 months to 4 years to complete and result in the participant becoming qualified in their chosen area.
Joining The Group in 2019, an Apprentice Mechanic with our Engineering business unit splits his time between working on site and attending college where he learns the theoretical side to mechanics and sits exams to become certified. This course usually takes 2-3 years to complete and will result in him becoming a fully qualified Mechanic.
More than 100 employees have completed apprenticeship schemes at Russell Group over the years and we will continue to extend our investment in today’s young talent. Scottish Apprenticeship Week highlights the benefits apprenticeships bring to individuals, businesses, and the economy. It also celebrates the achievements of individual apprentices and all those who contribute to their success.
Simon Millar has recently achieved his SVQ in Business Administration. He says “It gave me a good understanding of how day to day actions can affect how a business could and should be run. It can give you the knowledge you need to really push on and enhance your career right from the beginning”
Scottish Apprenticeship Week is a nationwide campaign aimed at encouraging more employers to take on apprentices, this year it celebrates its’ 15th anniversary. Throughout the UK, there are currently 555,900 people taking part in apprenticeships as of October 2021.
To find out more about Scottish Apprenticeship Week, visit Apprenticeships | Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022