DSCN0783Our Group Health & Safety Manager Stuart Kerray has recently achieved his DGSA qualification. Stuart tells us more...

A Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) is a person certified to provide advice on activities including the consignment, carriage, or the related packing, loading, filling or unloading of dangerous goods, to monitor compliance with legal requirements and to ensure the preparation of an annual report.

What did you need to do to achieve this qualification?

I had to complete a 5 day Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) training course, which covers Core, Road and All Classes. On completion of the course, I was required to take and pass the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) examinations and be issued with a Vocational Training Certificate (VTC) before taking up the duties. Every DGSA must pass the approved examinations. The VTC is valid for 5 years and must be renewed periodically. 

What does it mean to have this qualification?

Having the qualification allows me to understand:

  • Relevant legislation and regulations including ADR.
  • How to classify and identify dangerous goods and the procedures and regulations concerning this.
  • How to correctly pack and label dangerous goods, and specify the packaging, tank or bulk transport unit.
  • The necessary dangerous goods documentation.
  • Environmental protection.
  • Training requirements for staff.
  • The required marking of vehicles for both national and international journeys.
  • Legalities revolving around DGSAs and their responsibilities.

How will it help you and the company?

DGSAs are responsible for checking that the dangerous goods regulations are being adhered to at all times within their company; and for helping to prevent the potential and damaging consequences to people, property and the environment, which could stem from the risks inherent in transporting dangerous goods.

Would you recommend DGSA to others?

I would definitely recommend this course to others if currently in a safety role within an organisation involved in the transport, distribution and loading of dangerous goods consigned by road.

What is your vision for Health & Safety across the Group in regards to Dangerous Goods?

My main focus is to help control the risks inherent in the transport of dangerous goods with regard to persons, property and the environment.

Are you looking to complete any other qualifications?

I am looking at starting my BSc degree in Health and Safety Management at Caledonian University which will start in September 2019.